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Sign up to the monthly Jobs for Women Linkedin newsletter. Our monthly newsletter features curated content focused on female empowerment, diversity in the workforce, talent acquisition strategies, and company culture development. Our newsletter also aims to showcase job opportunities and our Women’s Membership, creating a stronger network that enhances the career progression for women. Subscribe on LinkedIn

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The Untapped Potential of Hiring Neurodivergent Individuals in Tech Roles

Hiring Neurodivergent Individuals We’re living in a time where companies are recognising the power of diversity in the workforce. This extends beyond gender, race, and culture to include different thinking and learning styles too. This brings us to a term you might have encountered: neurodiversity. It refers to the variation in how our brains work and includes conditions like autism,

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How Sports Can Shape Women Into Effective Leaders

How Sports Can Shape Women Into Effective Leaders The benefits of sports are well-known, but the impact on leadership skills is often overlooked. Recent studies have shown a significant link between women who become successful in their careers and leaders who played sports when they were younger. This article will explore this connection and discuss how playing sports can develop

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The importance of having women in leadership roles

The importance of having women in leadership roles The importance of having women in leadership roles cannot be overstated. Despite progress made in recent years, the corporate world is still predominantly male-dominated, with women occupying fewer leadership positions. The lack of gender diversity in leadership roles not only perpetuates gender inequality but it also leads to missed opportunities for organisations.

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Why some women might adopt male behaviour and attitudes to fit in with their male colleagues.

Why some women might adopt male behaviour and attitudes to fit in with their male colleagues. | We met with the brilliant Kat Parsons from ISS in this week’s podcast. We discuss why some women might adopt male attitudes and behaviours to fit in with male colleagues, also known as the chameleon effect, which refers to women adopting male

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50 Years of Women on the Trading Floor

50 Years of Women on the Trading Floor March 2023 marked the 50th anniversary of the first woman to work on the trading floor of the New York Stock Exchange. It was a major milestone for gender equality in finance, but as we reflect on this historical moment, it’s clear that much work still needs to be done to increase

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Five things companies can do to recruit more women leaders

Recruit more women leaders We know that now more than ever, companies need to work harder to recruit and retain women in the workplace. We also know that companies need to prioritise and develop their approach to diversity, equality, and inclusion now more than ever. Gender diversity in the workplace is under the microscope, and for good reason. Research has

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Stephanie Slocum: Women in Engineering

It was a pleasure to welcome Stephanie Slocum to our Women in Engineering webinar. With 40% of women engineers leaving or never entering the field and 78% of STEM women reporting gender discrimination in primarily male workplaces, we need change. Jobs for Women has invited three industry-leading figures for this very special Women in Engineering webinar. In this webinar, you

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Jobs for Women

Jobs for Women is an inclusive jobs board and podcast for women, and non-binary people in the UK.

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