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How to Master the Joy of Missing Out (JOMO)

We’ve all heard of FOMO—the Fear of Missing Out that leaves you feeling like everyone else is out there living their best life while you’re stuck at home. But what if missing out was actually the best thing? Enter JOMO—the Joy of Missing Out.

JOMO is all about the pure satisfaction of choosing to skip the party, stay in your comfy clothes, and focus on what you want. It’s about finding happiness in those quiet moments of solitude, free from guilt or obligation. Whether it’s skipping a social event or just taking time to recharge, JOMO can be a game-changer for your mental and physical health.

In this post, we’ll explore how embracing JOMO can help you reclaim your time, prioritise what really matters, and find more joy in saying “no” when it feels right.

What is JOMO?

JOMO, or the Joy of Missing Out, is essentially the opposite of FOMO. While FOMO makes you feel like you’re missing out on all the fun, JOMO lets you revel in the fact that you’re not. It’s the delight of declining a night out because you’d rather relax at home, guilt-free. It’s that sigh of relief when you get to watch your favourite series in peace or finally take that long, luxurious bath without interruption. In short, JOMO is about listening to what you need and embracing it wholeheartedly.

In the podcast, I shared a recent experience where JOMO played a starring role in my life. I had a camping trip planned with family, but thanks to my PMDD (Premenstrual Dysphoric Disorder), I just couldn’t face it. My mental and physical health took the wheel, and I became a “shell of my former self.” I had to cancel. But you know what? It was the right decision. I had to listen to my body, and that’s when I realised JOMO isn’t just a cute acronym—it’s a lifeline for those of us who are constantly doing too much.

The power of saying no (and really meaning it)

As women, we’ve been taught to say “yes” to everything. Work demands? Sure. Extra projects? No problem. Social events? Count me in. But, spoiler alert: You don’t have to do it all.

As I mentioned in the episode, “Time is our most valuable asset, alongside health, and we don’t get that time to come again.” So why spend it on things that drain you? JOMO encourages us to say “no” when it doesn’t feel right—without the guilt, without the anxiety. In the workplace, this could mean setting boundaries around tasks that aren’t essential to your role or skipping that optional team hangout when you just need a break.

You can even take this mindset into your social life. Not every invitation is mandatory. Feel free to say “no” and savour the joy of missing out. As I said on the pod, “If it’s an optional team get-together and you’re exhausted or just have too much going on—say no. Take it as a joyous moment of missing out!”

Learning from your cycle (yes, really!)

During the episode, I also shared how my friend Lisa Higgins helped me recognise the importance of syncing my life with my menstrual cycle. Lisa’s masterclass, Taking Back Control, was an absolute game-changer. Liz shared, “Women go through all four seasons—winter, spring, summer, and autumn—every month due to our cycle. When we’re in the winter phase, it’s time to rest. And when it’s summer, that’s when we go full throttle!” That simple concept has completely transformed how I plan my month. For me, PMDD means the week before my period is like full-on winter. I need rest. I need space. I need to embrace the JOMO hard. 

It’s a brilliant concept, right? Instead of forcing ourselves to keep up with the world’s pace, we can align with our natural rhythm. During your “summer” phase (when your energy is high), go for that big project or social event. But when you’re in “winter,” give yourself permission to retreat and say “no.” Embrace the rest. You can watch Lisa’s amazing masterclass by joining the Jobs For Women free membership.

Flip FOMO on Its Head

If you’re still stuck in FOMO mode, it’s time to flip the script. FOMO tells us we’re missing out on life’s big moments. JOMO reminds us that those big moments don’t always have to involve others—they can be personal. For example, as Liz pointed out, “There are moments when you should be saying no, not because you’re missing out, but because you’re choosing to miss out on stress.”

This is especially relevant when it comes to work. We can’t say no to everything, but there are definitely times when you can turn down those optional team get-togethers or skip that networking event you’re dreading. Liz’s take? “Saying no doesn’t mean you’re opting out of life. It means you’re opting in for your well-being.”

Final Thoughts

So, next time you’re feeling pressured to say “yes,” ask yourself: “What do I need?” Your body, mind, and spirit will thank you for it. And if you feel a twinge of FOMO creeping in, flip it to JOMO and enjoy the freedom of doing exactly what you want.

For more insights on how to embrace JOMO and manage your life in tune with your body’s natural rhythms, check out this week’s Women Work Wellbeing podcast. Trust me, you’ll want to hear the whole conversation—it’s packed with practical tips and relatable moments.

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