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A Guided Meditation for Letting Go of Stress to Find Calm

In an age where life moves at breakneck speed, finding moments of stillness has become more crucial than ever. The constant buzz of notifications, the relentless pace of work, and the myriad responsibilities we juggle daily can leave us feeling overwhelmed. But what if the key to navigating this chaos lies in something as simple as our breath?

The Need for Stillness in a Fast-Paced World

We’ve all felt it—that relentless push to keep up with the demands of modern life. It’s like trying to keep pace with a treadmill set just a bit too fast. In the midst of this hustle, pausing might seem counterintuitive, but it’s precisely what our minds and bodies crave.

How to Master the Joy of Missing Out (JOMO)

The Power of Breath – Connecting with Your Inner Rhythm

Noticing the Natural Rhythm of Your Breath

When was the last time you paid attention to your breathing? Not just the occasional deep sigh, but truly noticing each inhale and exhale.

Begin by noticing the breath. Feel your breath’s natural rhythm, and just notice the pathway the breath takes through your body.

Following the Pathway of the Breath

As you focus, observe which parts of your body the breath touches. Does it fill your chest, or does it reach deeper into your belly? Allow your awareness to follow it closely.

Notice which parts of the body the breath comes into contact with, and allow your awareness to follow it closely.

Softening the Body, Releasing Tension from Head to Toe

Inviting Softness Throughout the Body

With each breath, invite a sense of softness into your being. Imagine this softness flowing gently from the crown of your head down to the tips of your toes.

Can you invite that softness to gently flow through your entire body, from the crown of the head to the tips of your toes?

Feeling the Body Soften and Release

Feel everything start to slow down. Your muscles relax, tension eases, and you begin to release into the support beneath you.

Notice the body softening and releasing into the earth beneath you. With each breath, you become a little bit slower, a little bit softer.

4. Slowing Down Internally

Tuning into the Beat of Your Heart

Bring your attention to your heart’s steady rhythm. As you take slow, intentional breaths, notice how your heart rate begins to slow.

Notice your heart’s steady rhythm, and as you take a slow, intentional breath, feel how your heart rate also begins to slow down.

Visualising Thoughts on Passing Clouds

Our minds are like busy intersections, thoughts zooming by like cars. Instead of trying to stop them, picture each thought as a fluffy cloud drifting across a beautiful blue sky.

You’re going to place them on the whitest, fluffiest, most beautiful clouds, and then watch as the cloud floats on by.

“Quiet the mind, and the soul will speak.”Ma Jaya Sati Bhagavati

The Breathing Technique

A Step-by-Step Guide for Letting Go of Stress to Find Calm

Begin by exhaling all the air from your lungs. Imagine emptying a balloon completely before filling it anew.

Let’s first begin by exhaling all of the air out of your lungs. Empty. Empty.

Inhaling and Exhaling with Counts

  • Inhale for a count of 4: “Inhale for 4-3-2-1, pause…”
  • Exhale for a count of 6: “…and then exhale for 6-5-4-3-2-1, pause.”
  • Repeat this cycle, adjusting the counts if needed. The key is to make your exhale longer than your inhale.

Feel free to do what works for you. The key is to allow the exhale to be longer than the inhale.

Embracing the Pause Between Breaths

Notice the natural pause between your inhale and exhale—a brief moment of stillness.

Notice that beautiful pause in between the inhale and the exhale, a moment of time, a transition.

Embracing Stillness and Allowing Yourself to Just Be

Giving Your Mind Permission to Rest

In this moment, grant yourself the permission to simply exist. No to-do lists, no responsibilities—just being.

There is nothing you need to do right now in this moment, the only moment that exists in time. Can you just be present?

“In stillness, the world is restored.”Lao Tzu

Enjoying the Quietness and Softness

Relish the sensation of slowing down. Feel the softness within and around you, as if wrapped in a comforting blanket on a chilly day.

Enjoy being in stillness… a moment of gratitude, a moment of thanks that you are able to slow down in a world that often moves too fast.

Taking the Slowing Down into Your Daily Life

The Importance of Gratitude and Presence

As you conclude this practice, take a moment to appreciate yourself for taking this time. Recognise how you feel—more grounded, perhaps a bit lighter.

Notice how you feel in this moment, notice what is happening in your body, and enjoy the softening, the sinking, the release.

Integrating this meditation into your routine can be a game-changer. Like planting seeds in a garden, regular practice will cultivate a calmer, more centred you.

I hope that you can take some of this slowing down into the rest of your day, your evening, or the week ahead.

Listen to the Full Meditation

Ready to experience the full guided meditation for letting go of stress? Dive deeper into this practice by listening to the latest episode of our podcast.

🎧 Listen to the Full Meditation Here

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If you haven’t already, head over to our Free Members Club. We’ve got free yoga sessions, yoga nidra (which I mentioned earlier), and a treasure trove of resources to support you.

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Let’s continue this conversation and support each other on this journey. And remember, you’re not alone.

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