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Stress At Work and Why It Isn’t Just “Part of the Job” Anymore

If you’ve ever found yourself staring at the ceiling on a Sunday night, wide awake and stressing about the week ahead, you’re not alone. In fact, I was once right there with you—working in London for a decade, juggling corporate responsibilities, and struggling with the pressures that came with it. My bouts of insomnia, anxiety, and eventual burnout were, in many ways, the body’s way of saying “enough.”

In a recent episode of Women, Work, Wellbeing, I shared my story of navigating stress while working in high-pressure roles. From reporting to the US late in the day when everyone in my UK office was winding down, to realising that I wasn’t cut out for the corporate world, I’ve been through the wringer. Stress isn’t just about working long hours, it’s about managing those unrelenting expectations we place on ourselves, whether it’s trying to excel at work, maintaining a home, or chasing that ever-elusive work-life balance.

Stress at Work and the Silent Burnout

“I used to report into America a lot, so when it gets like, four o’clock in the afternoon, we’d have a couple of hours left at work, they would be waking up. The email responses would fly in the work would start the the team meeting, you know, group calls. And I don’t think I was set up for that work environment.”

One of the most revealing moments for me came during a doctor’s appointment. After explaining that I couldn’t sleep on Sunday nights but felt “fine” the rest of the week, the doctor pointed out that my sleeplessness was a subconscious reaction to the looming week. It was a lightbulb moment: “I am stressed, and I didn’t even realise it!”

The reality is, that stress doesn’t always manifest in dramatic ways. Sometimes it’s subtle—like feeling that underlying tension when you’ve got too much on your plate, or the mental fog that makes concentration feel like an Olympic sport. And while stress is a natural response to life’s demands, when it becomes constant, it starts to take a toll on our physical and mental health.

Juggling Responsibilities—Without Dropping the Ball

For women, the balancing act can feel especially precarious. Whether you’re single and managing everything on your own, or juggling the responsibilities of being a parent, carer, or entrepreneur, the pressure to “do it all” is exhausting. As I often say, we’re all spinning plates—and sometimes, it feels like they’re crashing down around us.

Stress management at work isn’t about finding ways to spin those plates faster. It’s about recognising when you’ve got too many in the air and deciding which ones to put down.

The Importance of Managing Stress (Before It Manages You)

So, how do we manage stress in a world that seems to thrive on it? The first step is simple, but often the hardest: pause. Take a step back and assess whether what you’re doing aligns with what you truly want. Ask yourself, “Am I happy? Or am I just ticking off tasks to keep things afloat?”

If the answer is the latter, it’s time to rethink your approach. This might involve making some small changes, like cutting down on meetings or carving out time for mindfulness practices, such as yoga or breathwork. I’m a huge advocate for using yoga Nidra, a practice that has helped me and many others manage anxiety and stress. Whether you have 5 or 10 minutes, integrating simple mindfulness techniques into your day can make a world of difference.

Have you listened to this episode of the podcast on self-care?

I’ve also created a number of guided meditations and yoga routines in the Jobs for Women Members Club, specifically designed for busy women who need quick, effective ways to de-stress. It’s not about making time for elaborate wellness routines—it’s about finding what works for you in the life you’re already living.

Join the membership today – it’s free!

Change the Way You See Stress—And How You Deal With It

At the end of the day, stress will always be a part of life and maybe work too, but it doesn’t have to be a constant. Recognising when it’s taking over and making the choice to prioritise your well-being is key. And trust me, it’s easier said than done, but when you take that first step, you’ll find that even the smallest changes can have a huge impact.

For more practical tips and a deeper look into stress management, tune in to the latest episode of Women, Work, Wellbeing. We cover everything from recognising the signs of burnout to using simple techniques like yoga and mindfulness to manage stress. You’ll leave feeling empowered to take back control over your well-being.

Listen to the full episode here.

Remember, your health, both mental and physical, should always come first. The to-do list can wait.

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